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Serve Others Lovingly

Serve Others Lovingly

The Genuine Article. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we not only commit to worship regularly, and faithfully grow together with other believers in a small group setting. We also commit to serving others as part of a ministry team. We make this commitment because Jesus said that loving service is the authenticating mark of a true disciple (cf. John 13:12-17, 34-35). 

Beyond Consumerism. Most things within our culture are consumer oriented. It’s easy then to think of the church as merely a dispenser of religious goods and services. Committing to serving others allows us to go beyond being just another “spiritual consumer” to becoming a true “spiritual contributor.” Pursuing this third level commitment allows us to shift from merely going to church to actually being the church. 

Being the Message. Jesus said that he came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many (cf. Mark 10:45). To be a true disciple of Jesus Christ is not just to be a recipient of his gifts, but an imitator of his life. To be a true disciple of Jesus Christ is not just to tell the message, but to be the message. And being the message begins with service to others.